Short Story creation: Sanctum 2

 During the 22nd Century, People gave themselves to be mechanised to make them more functional, more effective. However, those with royalties pushed for more...

Tests on the underground brew risk with rewards, better parts higher functionality. However, with this created the virus, a plague, bred when those with power wanted to create life thorough the use of machines and biologic entities.
This plague birth the 'Bivery' a breed from the earth as if nature was fighting against the turn to iron and steel creations.
With the plague ruining the weak boundaries of the once peaceful land, the fallen seemed to spore the virus allowing it to grow as if coating the land.
With the only soldiers fallen taken by surprise, the 'Bivery' spread quickly and effectively...

Now on their last stand, few reasoned to fight back against this disaster that threaten to wipe humanity off the planet due to their betrayal. Skye and Sweet autumn, with the endanger of the life they sort out, chose to fight with them.

Skye with her athletic background from the victory of the recent Olympics, allows her to traverse the area, with relative ease, catching stragglers entirely unaware.

Sweet Autumn, effective due to Mechanical expertise and explosive nature, makes her incredibly effective with her hand craft rocket launcher with an auto-lock on system with micro-variants, emboldening her assets on the field. Also, with a mechanic comes their creations...

Simo, the mechanical companion and Sweet's best 'friend' always by her side with a compassion only Sweet could create with machines. His intensive calculation abilities, to allow him to help Sweet in her work, makes him an incredible sniper and so, that's all he does.

Haigen, an ex-criminal, now caretaker for the autumn kids. Forced into battle, he picks up his shotgun once again.

Now enrolled into 'Last stand' they must fight through hordes of 'Bivery' however, Sweet's contribution to the platoon finished a new satellite system allowing defenders to call for blockades and offensive towers to assist in their defence...

After the, mostly, successful defence of the offices, 'Last stand' find a hint to a new 'Bivery', code-name the 'Walker Patriarch'. This immense beast if figured to be the strongest of their kind, with analysis from the researchers and a bit of help from Simo. It is observed that the weakest point is it's glowing centre however, it's incredible strength will annihilate all in it's path. It is theorised that this is what destroyed the initial wall and it's now after the gate to the last town.

With the 'Walker Patriarch' destroyed and rejoice spreading through the city, comes a new fear. TSYGAN, Haigen's ex-partner, appears with information of a mutated Heavy. Upon, this arrival the few that took up law enforcement called out, claiming that she must be put under arrest to prevent chaos in the populous. In a fleet of anger, TSYGAN fled, and Haigen with her...

"WAIT!" Haigen called, inferior to her trained speeds. "You can stay with us... with me." As TSYGAN slowed, Haigen smiled. His words had got thorough to her.
"Don't forget... You left me." With her final words, clung on Haigen's mind, she vanished into the darkness.

